Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Class B License and tobacco Request Patel Yogeshkumar (Yogi)
1667 Brandi St, Burlington
Agent for (Sittin’ Bull) 39600 Bloomfield Rd., Powers Lake WI
9. Discussion on the condition of 1994 Fire Department
pumper-tanker; repair vs replacement of the same and associated
cost. Permission to allow for a prepurchase inspection of used
10. Resolution 2024-001 to pay charges for Public Safety from the
ARPA funding
11. The amount of $13,812.31 for the first year installment of a
body camera and related video
equipment for use with the Town Constable.
12. Resolution 2024-002 to pay the engineering fee related to the
electronic sign already installed from the ARPA funds. Amending
Resolution 2023-00
1. Adjust the Fire Department ARPA funding to include the fees
from Degan-Foat $1,175.00 related to the Sign installed by
13. Update on EMS for the year 2025 with Twin Lakes Rescue.
14. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman Butler
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk
B. Correspondence – Thank you from Horton family.
C. Announcements –Planning Commission Meeting 1-22-24 7 PM
15. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval –
B. Other financial matters –2023 renewal of Liability Policy
$5894.00 annual (2022 premium was
$6497.00- same coverage)
C. Treasurer's report for November, 2023
Clerks Report of Disbursements December, 2023
Vendors $59,916.20
Payroll $12,593.22
Liabilities $19,554.33
16. Adjournment
Dated: 01-05-23
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
Posted: town website, Town Hall, Transfer
Station and Wheatland Center School
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Authorization to work with Andrea & Orendorff as Auditors
for the year 2023.
9. Continuing Discussion of replacement for 6614.
10 Reports – Correspondence-Announcements
A Reports
Supervisor Madson
Supervisor Wilson
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements
Election on Tuesday February 20th , 2024
Absentee Ballots available February 6th, 2024
11. Financial Matters:
A. Purchase Approval
B. Other Financial Matters
C. Treasurers Report
12. Adjournment
Dated 1-19-24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou
Denko, Kenosha News, Westosha Report and subscription list.
Posted Town Website,, Town Hall, Transfer
Station and Wheatland center School.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriated
aids and services. To request service, contact Town Clerk,
Donna Deuster 262-537-4340.
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State
Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the
public and there may be limited discussion on the information
received. However, no action will be taken under public comments.
Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
7. Markquart Burlington LLC, 1844 Commercial Blvd, Chippewa
Falls, WI 54729 (Owner), Eric Dennis, 5712 392nd Ave, Burlington,
WI 53105 (Agent), requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct
a propane tank and dispenser in the B-3 Highway Business Dist. on
Tax Parcel #95-4-219-314-0640 located in the SE 1⁄4 of Section 31,
T2N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
8. SALLY J. GRIFFIN REV. TRUST, 2712 N. Magnolia, Chicago, IL
60614 (Owner), Robert C. Griffin, 7655 Lily Lake Road, Burlington
WI 53105 (Agent), requesting a variance (Section V. B.12.28-7:
Non-conforming structures which encroach upon the yard
requirements of this ordinance, but which met yard requirements of
the applicable zoning ordinance at the time of construction, may
be structurally enlarged or expanded if the existing structure is
located at a
minimum of at least fifty (50) percent of the minimum setback
requirement of all yard setback requirements and further provided
that the alteration does not create a greater degree of
encroachment on yard, height, parking, loading, or access
requirements, Section IV. C. 12.21-4(g)3: that there shall be a
side yard of not less than 10 feet in width on each side of all
structures and Section III. L. 12.18.10(b)2 that for a lateral
expansion of a non-conforming principal structure in the shoreyard
located between 25 and 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark
and which is less than 35 feet in height removal of all
nonconforming accessory structures located in the shore setback
area is required to construct a residential addition to be located
0 feet from the right-of-way of Lily Lake Rd. and to be located 5
feet from the side (south) property lin existing appx. 200 sq. ft.
of deck, appx. 275 sq. ft. of patio and existing retaining walls
within the 75-foot shoreyard to remain on Tax Key Parcel
#95-4-119-111-3140, Town of Wheatland.
9. Adjourn
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, William Glembocki, Vince Mosca, Jeff
Butler, Paul DeLuisa, Kyle Madsen, Mark Robers, Randy Schulz,
Jeff Muenkel, Kelly Wilson, Kenosha News, & Westosha Report -
Property owners within 300 ft of 95-4-219-314-0640 ( 5712 392nd
Avenue) and Property owners with 300 feet of 95-4-119-111-3140
(7655 Lily Lake Rd.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Discussion of the replacement fire equipment and possible
funding for the same.
8. Consideration to change 2024 water patrol to the Kenosha
County Sheriff.
9. Staff report from Timothy Popanda to approve the asbestos
inspection 7815-334th Ave.
10. Approve the Planning Commission recommendations as follows:
A. Eric Dennis 5712 392nd Ave Parcel 95-4-219-314-0640 was
present to discuss his addition of an LP tank on the property
solely for business use, and not to serve the general public
needs. It will be located to the back of the property, out of
site. No objections were presented by the fire department or the
building inspector. There were no other questions by the
Commission members. Motion by Jeff Butler and seconded by Vince
Mosca to favorably move this to the Town Board Meeting on February
12th. Motion carried without objection.
B. Robert Griffen 7655 Lilly Lake Rd Parcel 95-4-19-111-3140 was
present to discuss his plans for an additional and variance for
setbacks. He discussed the DNR request for removal of the bank
installed to prevent erosion, as well as clarified the setbacks
with his immediate neighbor who was present. After discussion by
the Commission it was moved by Jeff Butler and seconded by Vince
Mosca to favorably move this to the Town Board Meeting on February
12 including support to keep the existing retaining walls at the
shoreline of Lily Lake that had been previously constructed to
WDNR standards since it would likely do more harm to remove the
existing wall than leave in place. Mr. Griffen has agreed to
provide additional subsurface drainage features to adequately deal
with any new stormwater runoff volume. Motion carried without
objection. .
Announcements - Reports - Correspondence –
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman
3. Supervisor Lois
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Treasurer
6. Clerk
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements –
Spring Primary Election will take place on February 20, 2024.
Early in Office voting is available through February 16th, 2024.
Ninety Absentee ballots were mailed.
14. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval – AED for use in Town Hall upper/lower/post
office. Cost $1400.00. $1000.00 donation from the Paddock Lake
B. Other financial matters –
C. Clerk’s Report of Disbursements for January 2023
15. Adjournment Dated: 02-16-24 Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle
Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko, Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
and subscription list. Posted: town website,
Town Hall, Transfer Station and Wheatland Center School
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State
Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the
public and there may be limited discussion on the information
received. However, no action will be taken under public comments.
Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
Announcements, Reports Correspondence
8. A. Reports
Chairman Butler
Supervisor Madsen
Supervisor Wilson
-Feb. 20th Election 131 voters including 82
Results, Wilmot Referendum No 54 Yes 19
County Judge Iverson 119, Michals 44, and Gagliardi
9. Correspondence
10. Announcements -
April 2nd, Presidential Preference Election
AED is here, the Paddock Lake Lions Club has donated enough to
cover the full $1400.00
11. Financial Matters
Purchase Approval
Other financial matters
Treasurer's report
15. Adjournment
Dated February 23, 2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report and Subscription list. Posted: Town
Website,, Town Hall, Transfer Station, and
Wheatland Center School.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disable individuals through appropriate
aids and services. To request service, contact Town Clerk,
Donna Deuster 262-537-4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State
Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the
public and there may be limited discussion on the information
received. However, no action will be taken under public comments.
Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
7. DELIMAT PROPERTIES 1 LLC,34231 High Dr., East Troy WI
53120 (Owner), DeAnna Delimat, 34231 High Dr., East Troy, WI
53120 (Agent), requesting approval of a temporary use (Section
III. S. 12.18.7-4: which states that it shall be unlawful to
proceed with the operation, construction, installation,
enlargement or alteration of a temporary use, as defined in this
ordinance, without first obtaining approval from the Kenosha
County Board of Adjustments) to temporarily locate (1) 10’ x
10’ sales tent and (2) 8’ x 40’ steel storage containers to
operate a temporary fireworks sales stand in the B-3 Highway
Business Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-013-0320 and 95-4-119-
013-0330, Town of Wheatland
8. Lester Property 31807-60th St 95-4-119-011-0301.
Georgia Tenegan is presenting a proposal idea for
Residential Lots and Barn Event at 31807-60th St, Salem, WI
95-4-119-011-0301. Present Georgia Tenegan, potential buyer.
She is bringing a concept plan and seeking recommendations
from the planning commission.
9. Adjourn
Dated 2-16-24
Agenda Sent Brett Butler, William Glembocki, Bince Mosca, Paul
DeLuisa, Mark Robers, Randy Schulz, Jeff Muenkel, Andrew
Lois, Kelly Wilson, Kyle Madsen, ,Kenosha News and Westosha
Report, Subscription List
Properties owners within 300 ft of Parcels 95-4-119-011-0301,
95-4-119-013-0320 and 95-4-119-013-0330.
Please note, upon reasonable notice efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, Contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster 262-537-4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. A favorable recommendation has been given by the Wheatland
Planning Commission on Monday 2-27-24 for the following:
Bedrock LC LLC 33703 59th St. Burlington, WI 53105 (Owner) DeAnna
Delimat, 34231 Hight Dr. East Troy, WI 53120 (agent)
requesting approval of a temporary use (Section 1111.D12.18
7-4: which states that it shall be unlawful to proceed with
the operation, construction, installation, enlargement or
alternation of a temporary use, as defined in this ordinance,
without first obtaining approval from the Kenosha County
Board of Adjustments) to temporarily use an existing parking lot
for the placement of (1)30x50sales tent, (1) 8’x40’ steel
storage container and (2)banners to operate a temporary fireworks
sales stand in the B-4 Planned business District on Tax
Parcel #95-4-219353-0230, Town of Wheatland.
9. A favorable recommendation has been given by the Wheatland
Planning Commission on Monday 2-27-24 for the following:
Delimat Properties 32135 Geneva Rd. Salem, WI 53105 (Owner) DeAnna
Delimat, 34231 Hight Dr. East Troy, WI 53120 (agent)
requesting approval of a temporary use (Section 1111.D12.18
7-4: which states that it shall be unlawful to proceed with
the operation, construction, installation, enlargement or
alternation of a temporary use, as defined in this ordinance,
without first obtaining approval from the Kenosha County
Board of Adjustments) to temporarily use an existing parking lot
for the placement of (1)30x50sales tent, (1) 8’x40’ steel
storage container and (2)banners to operate a temporary fireworks
sales stand in the B-4 Planned business District on Tax
Parcel #95-4-119-013-0320 and 95-4-119-013-0330, Town of
10. Review recommendations and vote to purchase firearm
replacement(s) for Constable Santelli
11. Review the contract and vote to have Kenosha County Sheriff to
assume Water Patrol starting Spring, 2024.
12. Vote to Rescind the Town of Wheatland as the Water Patrol
Agency having served Wheatland, Paddock Lake, Center Lake
and Camp Lake.
Announcements, Reports Correspondence
13. A. Reports
Chairman Butler- Open Position on Planning Commission (Starts
April – 3 yr term)
Supervisor Madsen
Supervisor Wilson
Clerk -
14. Correspondence
15. Announcements -
April 2nd, 7am -8pm Presidential Preference Election
April 22nd 7pm Annual Town Meeting
April 27th, 9am-11am Wheatland Township Shred Day.
June 1st 8am-1pm Kenosha County Household Hazardous
16. Financial Matters
Purchase Approval
Other financial matters
Clerk's report of Disbursements
17. Adjournment
Dated March 8th, 2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report and Subscription list. Posted: Town
Website,, Town Hall, Transfer Station, and
Wheatland Center School.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact
Town Clerk, Donna Deuster 262-537-4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Discussion/Purchase of the equipment for Constable - Firearms.
9. Discussion and possible action on Credit Card to be issued for
fuel purchases only for Town Equipment.
10. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman-Open position on Planning Commission
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk
B. Correspondence:
C. Announcements –
Early voting during Office hours through March 29th, 2024
Spring Election and Presidential Preference 7am-8pm April 2nd,
Next Meeting will be April 8th, 6:00 pm 2024
Town of Wheatland Annual Meeting 7 pm April 22nd, 2024
Town of Wheatland Shred Day 9-11am April 27th, 2024
Board of Review June 5th, 5:00pm 2024
11. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval –
B. Treasurers Report
C. Other financial matters –
12. Adjourn
Dated 03-22-24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report, Subscription list Posted: town
website, Town Hall, Transfer Station and
Wheatland Center School
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Requests and updates from Lilly Lake Association
-July 4th Kids Parade at 1 pm, asking for barricades, extra
garbage cans and donation of $100.00 towards candy/prizes. Also
asking for WVFD and Public Safety to participate.
-Movies nights on the beach July 20th and Aug 10th.
-Get to know Your Lake Day at the fishing pier July 20th 1
9. An Ordinance 2024-001 to create Section 27.20©(6) of the code
of ordinances of the town of Wheatland regarding all-terrain
vehicle (ATV/UTV) and Utility Vehicles (UTV’s) travel on roads in
the Town of Wheatland, Kenosha County, Wisconsin. (6) CTH “O”
(368th Avenue) beginning Geneva Road North to STH “50”
10. Updates on Rescue Services for 2025 and possible vote on the
11. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman-Open position on Planning Commission
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk Recap of Election Results.
801 voters, 151 were early voters and absentees. Tapes posted at
front window with detailed Town of Wheatland results.
B. Correspondence:
C. Announcements –
Town of Wheatland Annual Meeting 7 pm April 22nd, 2024
Town of Wheatland Shred Day 9-11am April 27th, 2024
Board of Review June 5th, 5:00pm 2024
12. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval –
B. Treasurers Report
C. Clerks report of expenditures
D. Other financial matters –
13. Adjourn
Dated 04-05-24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report, Subscription list Posted: town
website, Town Hall, Transfer Station and
Wheatland Center School
MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
Wheatland Town Hall, 34315 Geneva Rd., New Munster, WITown of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53105, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
Town Board Meeting
MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2024 – 6:15 P.M.
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) –
website, email clerk:
[email protected], treasurer: [email protected]
MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. A favorable recommendation has been given by the Wheatland
Planning Commission on Monday 04/08/24 for the following: TLS
Management LLC, WI 53105 (Owner) DeAnna Delimat, 34231 Hight Dr.
East Troy, WI 53120 (agent) requesting approval of a
temporary use (Section 1111.D12.18 7-4: which states that it shall
be unlawful to proceed with the operation, construction,
installation, enlargement or alternation of a temporary use,
as defined in this ordinance, without first obtaining approval
from the Kenosha County Board of Adjustments) to temporarily
use an existing parking lot for an outdoor event in the B-3
Highway Business District on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-012-0700.
32400 Geneva Rd. Town of Wheatland
9. A favorable recommendation has been given by the Wheatland
Planning Commission on Monday 04/08/24 35406 Geneva Rd Burlington,
WI 53105-7806. Don Schenning 33825 116th St Twin Lakes
(Owner) requesting rezoning from A-1 Agricultural
Preservation Dist &C-2 Upland Resource Consrvancy Dist to
R-2 Suburban Single Family Residential Dist &C-2 land
Resource Conservancy Dist. On Tax Parcel #95-4-119- 032-0480, Town
of Wheatland.
10. A favorable recommendation has been given by the Wheatland
Planning Commission on Monday 04/08/24 35406 Geneva Rd Burlington,
WI 53105-7806. Don Schenning 33825 116th St Twin Lakes (Agent)
request a Certified Survey Map on tax Parcel #95-4-119-032-0480
located in the NW ¼ of section 3, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
11 Appointment to the Planning Commission for 3 year Terms.
12. Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board for 3 year
Announcements, Reports Correspondence
13. A. Reports
Chairman Butler
Supervisor Madsen
Supervisor Wilson
Clerk -
14. Correspondence
15. Announcements -
April 27th, 9am-11am Wheatland Township Shred Day.
May 10th, 10am – 2pm Open Book
June 1st 8am-1pm Kenosha County Household Hazardous
June 5th 5-7pm Board of Review
16. Financial Matters
Purchase Approval
Other financial matters
Treasurer's report
17. Adjournment
Dated April 18, 2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report and Subscription list. Posted: Town
Website,, Town Hall, Transfer Station, and
Wheatland Center School.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact
Town Clerk, Donna Deuster 262-537-4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 )
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.
Pursuant to Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby
given to the Public, Kenosha News, Westosha Report, and
Kenosha County Times that the WHEATLAND RECREATION BOARD
will meet to consider and act on the following:
1. Pledge/Roll call
2. Approval of minutes
3. Public Comments and Questions from residents of the town and
other persons present. (Please be advised per State Statute
Section 19.84(2), Information will be received from the public and
there may be limited discussion of the information received.
However, no action will be taken under public comments.
Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes)
4. Request for pavilion and food stand for Labor Day Weekend Music
5. Review of Park and Beach recreation activities and continuing
programs for the year 2024/2025
a) New Munster Park
b) Lilly Lake Beach – 4th of July Activities
Household garbage in barrels.
New sign for boat landing should be in
place for Memorial Day
c) Oakwood Shores Park
d) Fox River Pines
e) Koch Park
6. Report – ball diamond and outfield signs and spaces available.
7. Set next meeting date.
8. Adjournment
Dated May 6th, 2024 Jeff Niederer Chairman
Agenda: Jeff Neiderer, Andy Lois, Steve Peters, Brian Kerkman,
Paul DeLuisa, Brett Butler, Kelly Wilson, Kyle Madson,
Kenosha News, and Westosha Report, E-mail subscription list.
Posted: Town website Town Hall, Transfer
Station, and Wheatland Center School.
PLEASE NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster at 262-537-4340.
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Resolution 2004-002 A resolution of the Town Board of the Town
of Wheatland to dissolve the Wheatland Water Patrol.
9. Ordinance 2024-003 An ordinance to repeal and recreate section
13.4 of the code of Ordinances of the Town of Wheatland relating
to water patrol.
10. Resolution 2024-003 to exceed the levy limit to provide
funding for Emergency Medical Services for the Town of Wheatland.
Referendum of the levy will be on the August 13th Primary Ballot.
11. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road - Annual Road Survey
2. Chairman
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements –
Informational EMS Meeting Tuesday May 14th, 2024 6:00 pm
Town Offices will be closed on Monday May 27th for the Memorial
Day Holiday
Board of Review on Wednesday June 5th 5 pm.
Town Offices will be closed on July 4rd and July 5th.for the July
4th Holiday
12. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval – Municipal clerks Institute – 500.00
Internet based.
B. Other financial matters –
C. Clerk Report of Disbursements
13. Adjournment
Dated: 5-10-24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report, Subscription list Posted: town
website, Town Hall, Transfer Station and
Wheatland Center School
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Consideration of recommendation of the Town of Wheatland
Planning Board for LGPS LLC, W624 Doulass Ave., Burlington, WI
53105 (Owner) Dustin Hein, Freedom Fireworks, LLC 1422 East Geneva
Street Delavan, WI. 53115 (agent) requested approval of a
temporary use (section III S. 12.18 7-4 which states that it shall
be unlawful to proceed with the operation, construction,
installation, enlargement or alteration of a temporary use, as
defined in this ordinance without first obtaining approval from
the Kenosha County Board of Adjustments) to temporarily use an
existing parking lot for the placement of a 20’x80’ sales tent, a
8’x40’ metal storage container and multiple signs to operate a
temporary fireworks stand in the B-3 Highway business District on
Tax Parcel 95-4-219-656-0305 Town of Wheatland.
9. Consideration of the recommendation of the Town of Wheatland
Planning Board for Andrew B and Lucille A Lois Family Trust 7601
368th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105(Owner), request for an amendment
to Adopted Land Use Plan Map for 2035 (Map 65 of the Comprehensive
plan) from “Suburban-Density Residential” & “Isolated Natural
Resource Area” to “General Agricultural and Open land”, Farmland
Protection & Isolated Natural Resource Area” on Tax Parcels
95-4-119-044-0400 & 95-4-119-091-0100located in the SE ¼
section $ & the NE ¼ of Section 9, T1N R19E.
10. Consideration of recommendation of the Town of Wheatland
Planning Board for Andrew B and Lucille A Lois Family Trust 7601
368th Ave., Burlington WI 53105 (Owner) requests a rezoning from
A-1 Agricultural Preservation District to A-2 General Agricultural
District on part of Tax Parcel 95-4-119-044-0400, located in the
SE ¼ section 4, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
11. Approval of the lowest acceptable bid for the raze of the
Dressler Property at 7815 334th Avenue, Burlington. Tax Parcel
12. Consideration for the Wheatland Estates Mobile Home Annual
License 32200 -45th Street, Burlington, WI, Tax Parcel
13. Consideration and approval for the following Class A Alcohol
Beverage Licenses:
Bedrock Management Inc. – Rock Corner, Kimberly, Ann
Gorzelnik, Agent, 33703-59th St, Burlington, WI 53105
River Valley Ranch LTD – River Valley Ranch, Jennifer L.
Brown Agent, 39900 60th St. Burlington, WI 53105
Best Bargains, Inc – Best Bargains, Douglas H Heinore, Agent
6515 352nd Ave, Burlington, WI 53105
14. Consideration and approval for the following Class B Alcohol
Beverage Licenses:
JMN LLC – B & D’s Village Inn, Jeffrey Niederer Agent,
34414 Geneva Rd, New Munster, WI 53182
Bella Vita, LLC – Bella Vita, Brandon Boeckenstedt Agent,
34816 Geneva Rd, New Munster, WI 53152,
Luisa’s Pizza Inc., - Luisa’s Pizza, Jennifer DeLuisa
Agent, 6806-317th Ave, Salem, WI 53168
Yellow Farm House, - Honeydripperz Pub, Rachell Frey, Agent,
34500 Geneva Rd, New Munster, WI 53105
Lily Lake Resort, LLC, Lily Lake Resort LLC – Jill M
Rzeplinski, Agent, 7910-328th Ave, Burlington, WI
Local Folks, Inc – Local Folks Jennifer Collison Agent,
39601-60th St. Slades Corners WI
Premier Wine & Spirits LLC, -Premier Wines and Spirits,
Timothy A Delimat Agent, 32400 Geneva Rd. Salem, WI
Stein Farms, LLC – Stein Farms Clem Stein Agent – 5708 312th
Ave, Salem, WI 53168
39600LLC, - Sit N Bull – Yogesn Kumar Patel Agent, 39600
Bloomfield Rd., Powers Lake, WI
15. Consideration and approval for Tobacco Licenses for the
Bedrock Management Inc. – Rock Corner, Kimberly, Ann
Gorzelnik, Agent, 33703-59th St, , Burlington , WI 53105
Premier Wine & Spirits LLC, -Premier Wines and Spirits,
Timothy A Delimat , Agent, 32400 Geneva Rd. Salem, WI
39600LLC, - Sit N Bull – Yogesh Kumar Patel Agent, 39600
Bloomfield Rd., Powers Lake, WI
16. Consideration and approval for the following beverage server
(bartender) as listed separately.
17. Reports:
1. Roads
2.Town Chairman
3. Supervisor Madson
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Town Clerk
18. Financial
1. Consideration for Purchases
2. Report of Disbursements – April and May
17. Closed Session of the Town Board to review considerations for
2025 essential emergency services options.
18. End Closed Session and resume Town Board Meeting.
19. Adjournment
Dated: 06-07-2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson,
Lou Denko, Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
Posted: town website, Town Hall,
Transfer Station and Wheatland Center School and subscription
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate
aids and services. To request service, contact Town Clerk Donna
Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Request for Temporary Class “B” Retailers License for Just
Live Inc, Robert Stevens President, Kelly Wilson Agent for an
event at New Munster Park on September 1, 2024.
9. Ordinance 2024-05 An Ordinance to repeal and recreate section
1.60 of the code of ordinances of the Town of Wheatland relating
to appointed officials in the Position of Town Clerk and Town
Treasurer. (First reading with possible waiving of a second
10. Ordinance 2024-06 An Ordinance to create section 1.70 pf the
code of Ordinances of the Town of Wheatland relating to records
retention pursuant to State Statutes 60.83 and 19.21(4) of
the Wisconsin Statutes. (First reading with a possible
waiving of a second reading.)
11. Consideration for road resurfacing on 52nd and 376th
12. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements –
- Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2024 7 pm
- Town Hall Offices will be closed on July 4th and July 5th
- Fall Primary Election Tuesday August 13, 2024
- Presidential Election Tuesday, November 5th, 2024
13. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval –
B. Other financial matters –
14. The Town Board will now consider going into a closed session.
Motion: I move to go into a closed session, under the provisions
of Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the purpose
of discussing options for the Town of Wheatland, including
update on potential EMS services.
15. Motion: To return to open session where no action will be
16. Adjourn
Dated: 6-21-24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report, Subscription list Posted: town
website, Town Hall, Transfer Station and
Wheatland Center School
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
Pursuant to Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby
given to the Public, Kenosha News, & Westosha Report that the
WHEATLAND PLAN COMMISSION will meet to consider and act on
the following:
(Please note: The Town Board may be attending for purposes of
gathering information.)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Public comments and questions from residents of the town and
other persons present. Introduction of guests. (Please be advised
per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be
received from the public and there may be limited discussion on
the information received. However, no action will be taken under
public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
7. M & W PROPERTIES LLC, 8020 328th Ave., Burlington, WI 53105
(Owner), Woodrow Edgell, 8020 328th Ave., Burlington, WI
53105 (Agent) requesting a conditional use permit to allow an
expansion of an existing construction contractor’s warehouse in
the B-5 Wholesale Trade and Warehousing Dist. on Tax Parcel
#95-4-119-014-0101 located in the SE ¼ of Section 1, T1N, R19E,
Town of Wheatland.
8. Adjourn
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Recommendation from the Planning Board to forward this request
to affirmatively move it to the Wheatland Town Board: M
& W PROPERTIES LLC, 8020 328th Ave., Burlington, WI 53105
(Owner), Woodrow Edgell, 8020 328th Ave., Burlington, WI
53105 (Agent) requesting a conditional use permit to allow an
expansion of an existing construction contractor’s warehouse in
the B-5 Wholesale Trade and Warehousing Dist. on Tax Parcel
#95-4-119-014-0101 located in the SE ¼ of Section 1, T1N,
R19E, Town of Wheatland
9. Ordinance 2024-05 An Ordinance to repeal and recreate section
1.60 of the code of ordinances of the Town of Wheatland
relating to appointed officials in the Position of Town Clerk and
Town Treasurer. (Second reading).
10. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road
2. Chairman
3. Supervisor Madsen
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements –
Fall Primary Election Tuesday August 13, 2024
Presidential Election Tuesday, November 5th, 2024
11. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval –
B. Other financial matters –
C. Disbursements report. -Clerk
12. The Town Board will now consider going into a closed session.
Motion: I move to go into a closed session, under the
provisions of Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for
the purpose of discussing options for the Town of Wheatland,
including update on potential EMS services.
13. Motion: To return to open session where no action will be
14. Adjourn
Dated 07/03/24
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report, Subscription list Posted: town
website, Town Hall, Transfer Station and
Wheatland Center School
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
to Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given to
the Public, Kenosha News, & Westosha Report that the WHEATLAND
PLAN COMMISSION will meet to consider and act on the
(Please note: The Town Board may be attending for purposes of
gathering information.)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Public comments and questions from residents of the town and
other persons present. Introduction of guests. (Please be advised
per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be
received from the public and there may be limited discussion on
the information received. However, no action will be taken under
public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
7. Lily Lake Resort LLC, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105
(Owner), Jill Rzeplinski, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105
(Agent), requesting a conditional use permit to allow outdoor
dining, recreation, and entertainment in the B-2 Community
Business Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-111-4070, located in the NE
¼ of Section 11, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
8. Adjourn
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Consideration for the finding of the Planning Commission
recommendations for Lily Lake Resort LLC, 7910 328th Ave,
Burlington, WI 53105 (Owner), Jill Rzeplinski, 7910 328th Ave,
Burlington, WI 53105 (Agent), requesting a conditional use permit
to allow outdoor dining, recreation, and entertainment in the B-2
Community Business Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-111-4070, located
in the NE 1⁄4 of Section 11, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland. With
the following additional amendments: Music to continue no later
than 11:00 pm and a canvas backdrop be in place for a sound
barrier on the back of the stage area.
9. Consideration for the request to amend Lily Lake Resort's
alcohol application to include all of the outside property
surrounding the bar.
10. Presentation of the additional Operators (Bartenders) for the
Town of Wheatland.
11. Review and consideration of Salary and Wage Rate Schedule.
11. Review and consideration of changes to the fee schedule.
12. Adjournment
Dated: 7-19-2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou Denko,
Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
Posted: town website, Town Hall, Transfer
Station and Wheatland Center School and subscription list.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340
MONDAY, August 19, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
Monday, August 19, 2024 7:00 pm
Applicant: Daniel Velasco Palos & Liliana Lozano
De Velasco W4878 Willow Bend Rd.
Elkhorn WI 53121 (owner)
Request: Daniel Velasco Palos & Liliana Lozano De
Velasco, W4878 Willow Bend Rd.,
Elkhorn WI 53121 (Owner), requests a rezoning from B-5 Wholesale
Trade and Warehousing
Dist. to B-3 Highway Business Dist. on Tax Parcel
95-4-219-314-0361, and from R-2
Suburban Single-Family Residential Dist. to B-3 Highway Business
Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-
4-219-314-0362 and on part of Tax Parcel #95-4-219-314-0363,
located in the SE 1⁄4 of
Section 31, T2N, R19E, Town of Wheatland. (Addresses:39804 – 60th
St Burlington, 39810
60th St. Burlington, 60th St. Burlington)
The public may review copies of the application and the
comprehensive plan at the
Wheatland Town Hall, 34315 Geneva Rd. New Munster from 8-5 Monday
through Friday,
and prior to the meeting.
It will also be posted on the Town website
Interested parties
may contact the Wheatland Town Office at 262-537-4340 for
additional information.
Written comments may be sent to the Office of the Wheatland Town
Clerk, PO Box 797,
New Munster, WI 53152 and will be accepted up to the close of the
Plan Commission
Public Hearing on August 19, 2024.
Upon the close of the public hearing, the Wheatland Plan
Commission will convene to
consider the application.
Donna M. Deuster
Wheatland Town Clerk
Published July 16th, 2024 and July 22nd, 2024
Pursuant to Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby
given to the Public, Kenosha News, & Westosha Report that the
WHEATLAND PLAN COMMISSION will meet to consider and act on the
(Please note: The Town Board may be attending for purposes of
gathering information.)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Public comments and questions from residents of the town and
other persons present. Introduction of guests. (Please be advised
per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received
from the public and there may be limited discussion on the
information received. However, no action will be taken under
public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
9. Rezoning:
Daniel Velasco Palos & Liliana Lozano De Velasco, W4878 Willow
Bend Rd., Elkhorn WI 53121
(Owner), requests a rezoning from B-5 Wholesale Trade and
Warehousing Dist. to B-3 Highway
Business Dist. on Tax Parcel 95-4-219-314-0361, and from R-2
Suburban Single-Family
Residential Dist. to B-3 Highway Business Dist. on Tax Parcel
#95-4-219-314-0362 and on part of
Tax Parcel #95- 4-219-314-0363, located in the SE 1⁄4 of Section
31, T2N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
10. Comp. Plan Amendment:
Daniel Velasco Palos & Liliana Lozano De Velasco, W4878 Willow
Bend Rd., Elkhorn WI 53121
(Owner), requests an amendment to the Adopted Land Use Plan map
for Kenosha County: 2035
(map 65 of the comprehensive plan) from “Suburban-Density
Residential” to “Commercial” on Tax
Parcel #95-4-219-314-0362 and on part of Tax Parcel
#95-4-219-314-0363, located in the SE 1⁄4 of
Section 31, T2N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
10. Conditional Use Permit:
Daniel Velasco Palos & Liliana Lozano De Velasco, W4878 Willow
Bend Rd., Elkhorn WI 53121
(Owner), requests a conditional use permit for outdoor dining
& entertainment on Tax Parcel #s 95-
4-219-314-0361, 95-4-219-314-0362 and part of 95-4-219-314-0363,
located in the SE 1⁄4 of
Section 31, T2N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
12. Adjourn
7-10-24 Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou
Denko, Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
Posted: town website, Town Hall, Transfer
Station and Wheatland Center School and subscription list.
Properties withing 300 feet of above addresses.
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through
appropriate aids and services. To request service, contact Town
Clerk Donna Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Change of Agent for Buena Vita 34816 Geneva Rd to Heather
Marie Boeckenstedt
9. Planning Commission recommendation of the following
Rezoning: Daniel Velasco Palos & Lilana
Lozano DeVelasco W4878 Willow end Rd, Elkhorn, WI 53121(owners)
request to rezone from B-5 Wholesale Trade and Warehousing
District to B-3 Highway Business District on tax parcels
95-4-219-314-0361 and from R-2 Suburban Single-
Family Residential District to B-3 Highway Business District
on tax Parcel 95-4-219-314-0362 and on part of Parcel
95-4-219-314-0363 located in the SE ¼ secti0n 31T2N, R19E Town of
Comp Plan Amendment Daniel Velasco Palos & Lilana
Lozano DeVelasco W4878 Willow end Rd, Elkhorn, WI 53121(owners)
request a amendment to the Adopted Land Use Plan map for Kenosha
County: 2035 (map 65 of the comprehensive plan ) from
“Suburban-density Residential” to “Commercial” on Tax on tax
parcels 95-4-219-314-0361 and from R-2 Suburban Single-Family
Residential District to B-3 Highway Business
District on tax Parcel 95-4-219-314-0362 and on part of Parcel
95-4-219-314-0363 located in the SE ¼ secti0n 31T2N, R19E Town of
Conditional Use Permit. Daniel Velasco Palos &
Lilana Lozano DeVelasco W4878 Willow end Rd, Elkhorn, WI
53121(owners) request a conditional use permit for outdoor dining
and entertainment on tax parcels 95-4-219-314-0361 and from R-2
Suburban Single-Family Residential District to B-3 Highway
Business District on tax Parcel 95-4-219-314-0362 and on part of
Parcel 95-4-219-314-0363 located in the SE ¼ secti0n 31T2N, R19E
Town of Wheatland with the following conditions:
1. Water diversion to be to the North and/or west of
the property however possible. Not the east which would affect the
drainage slurry in the back of the church.
2. On-site security for evening events.
3. Encourage exiting traffic to travel to the west on
60th Street through signage and security officer.
4. Outside to be used for ceremony only, no live
music or catering outside of the barn.
5. All water drainage, storm water, discharge and
wastewater with consideration of the project engineer findings and
the same shared with the Wheatland Planning Commission.
6. Provide tree lined or buffer area on the East side
of the property.
7. Encourage guests to stay on property through fence
or other buffers to the east.
10. Contract with Com2 to Ecycle electronics at no charge to the
town or residents.
11. Request from Central High School to use our meeting room for
90 min each day with one student and one teacher for the balance
of the school year as an off site facility.
12. Ordinance 2024- An Ordinance to create Section 36.26(d)
of the code of Ordinances of the Town of Wheatland relating to
Comprehensive plan Map Amendments effective January 1, 2024.
13. Updated Code of Ordinances, Chapter XXXVI Land Division,
Development and Public Hearing Fees to reflect the change in fees
effective January 1, 2025 Section 36.40
14. Ordinance 2024- An Ordinance to repeal and recreate
section 36.54 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Wheatland
regarding Public Hearing Fee Effective January 1, 2024.
15. Wages as discussed in July to take place January 1, 2025
Building Inspector Base
wage $19,000 00 Annual
$900.00 Annual
Custodial, Park, Transfer
Station 15.50 Hourly
Fire Department
13.50 per Inspection
Office Help as
15.50 per hour
16. Town Hall Fees Copies .10 per copy
Fax 1.00 per each printed side
Rental 100.00 plus security
deposit of $100.00
Special Assessment Letter 30.00
17. Reports - Correspondence - Announcements
A. Reports
1. Road f
2. Chairman Butler.
3. Supervisor Lois
4. Supervisor Wilson
5. Clerk Recycle grant materials are in, Due
October 31st
B. Correspondence
C. Announcements –
18. Financial matters:
A. Purchase approval – FNS to remove right of way tree
across from 8119 336th Ave at a bid of $800.00 for cut down and
complete removal.
B. Other financial matters –
C. Clerk’s Report of Disbursements for July, 2024
19. Adjournment
Dated: 8-21-2024
Agenda sent: Brett Butler, Kyle Madsen, Kelly Wilson, Lou
Denko, Bob Santelli, Kenosha News, Westosha Report,
Posted: town website, Town Hall,
Transfer Station and Wheatland Center School, subscription list
Please note, upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to
accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate
aids and services. To request service, contact Town Clerk Donna
Deuster, 262.537.4340
Town of Wheatland -- Wheatland Town Hall – 34315 Geneva
Rd., New Munster, WI 53152, 262.537.4340 ) – website,
email clerk: [email protected], treasurer:
[email protected]
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
4. Verification of public notice agenda
5. Approval of minutes of prior meeting(s)
6. Report –
A. Fire Dept
B. Public Safety Report
7. Public comments and questions. (Please be advised per State Statute Section 19.84(2), information will be received from the public and there may be limited discussion on the information received. However, no action will be taken under public comments. Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes.)
8. Resolution 2024-___ Adopting the updated Kenosha County Hazard Mitigation Plan: 2023-2028
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Lily Lake Summerhaven Association. All rights reserved.
Lilly Lake (Wisconsin)